I want to help

The purpose of this blog is to give you, the parent, insight into what we do as teachers every day.  I believe that if you understand what happens, behind the curtain, then you are in a better position to help your child.  I want to share with you some very simple things you can do to help your child be successful in the classroom.

Look, I am a teacher, but first, I am a parent.  Work, school, basketball, daycare, and the list goes on and on.  I know that you don’t have countless hours, and let’s be honest, with the time you do have, you are looking to carve out some time with for yourself somewhere.  Follow some of these simple steps and you, your child, and your child’s teacher will be moving in the right direction.

  1. Talk to your child’s teacher.  Look, a lot of us have kids of our own and we know how difficult things can be.  As a teacher, I am more likely to extend a deadline, give a make-up assignment, or a host of many other things when I know parents are at least TRYING! Give a shout every now and then, and we will hook you up!
  2. Read something with your child every day.  Again, with time being tight, this can be anything.  I for one like to read car articles.  I know my son likes sports.  He would rather YouTube them, but a short article is perfect.  Pull up an article and have them read a paragraph or two.  You don’t have to question or quiz them.  The point is to give the practice of reading and to show them that reading isn’t just a “school” thing.
  3. Check their digital assignment log or grade book.  The year of COVID-19 has changed and will continue to bring changes for years to come.  Teachers are using electronic resources such as Google Classroom to post assignments.  Five minutes of having your child show you this can keep you from playing a long night of catch-up at report card time.
  4. Put the phone away.  If you allow your child to have an electronic device, which I have, when it’s time for homework, make them put it away… in YOUR room.  Alerts and dings affect them just as much as they affect us, maybe more.  This type of distraction creates anxiety which causes your child to rush, making for a long night.  Make sure it’s turned OFF, so they can’t hear the buzzing and the chimes.
  5. Invest, Invest, Invest.  Sometime, you just have to pay for what you want. One hundred dollar shoes mean little if they can’t keep that up as an adult.  Invest in their future, not just their ‘swag.’  There are so many resources to help your child.  Anything from worksheets, self-paced programs, or online tutoring.  Do your research and choose the option or program that is best for you.

Let me know where you are having trouble.  I would love to create some helping resources or maybe even some videos based on your trouble areas.

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